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Everyone Loves a Party!

Are you planning to attend a party on New Year’s Eve? Are you the type that likes to stay safe at home watching the big ball drop on television? Do you make your own party with you and your pets? There are lots of ways to celebrate the beginning of a new year and one is to avoid it all and just go to bed.

I don’t think God is throwing a New Year’s Eve party. But that’snot because He doesn’t love a party Himself. God is the one who institutedFestivals and Celebrations as well as Holidays for repentance and preparation.God is planning the ultimate party called the Bridal Feast of the Lamb. It’sthe celebration of the union of Jesus Christ and the church—all who havebelieved in Jesus while on earth. I don’t know what the best party youhave ever been to is, but this party will top all parties. It has been a longtime in the planning so the experience of it will be figuratively and literallyout of this world!

Have you ever felt awkward after mentioning a party to which someone wasn’tinvited? You don’t have to worry about talking openly about this partybecause everyone is invited. There is no one who has ever been born who has notreceived a personal invitation to come to the party. Sadly, some will be toocaught up in the measly offerings of this world while they live here and won’ttake the time to RSVP, and they will miss out on the greatest celebration inthe universe and a whole lot more.

I bet you’ve spent time getting ready for a New Year’s party if youare planning to attend one. There’s even more preparation if you are givinga party. We have all received an invitation to God’s party and those whothink about what to wear and what to bring to that party will enjoy it so muchmore. What will you wear? All who are allowed to attend the party must be wearingChrist’s robes of righteousness (Rev. 22:14). You need to make sure thatyou have received the robe. When you believe in Jesus as the Redeemer for yoursins, you are automatically given this robe. You can’t get into the partywithout it.

I can just imagine how it feels for God to go to all the preparation and allthe effort to get ready for this party, but many won’t be able to attend.There must be a sense of loss and sadness, but that never causes Him to ignorethose of us who do desire to come near. When Jesus told the Parable of the WeddingBanquet, He ended with these haunting words, "For many are invited, butfew are chosen" (Matt 22:14). That thought won’t ruin the party, butit gives us something to think about. He will fill us with the joy of His presenceand love. The party Host, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the Great I Am,will be the central beauty of the wedding feast. It will be so fulfilling tobe in His presence taking in His glory and receiving His love. Every guest willfeel just as special to the Host.

In the meantime, enjoy the parties you attend on earth. Drive safely and be carefulon big party nights. Every time you get ready for a party on earth, considerthe best party in the world, the one that will be thrown in heaven. Rememberto tell everyone you know.



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