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Inspiring Your "To Do" List

What is on your "To Do" list today? What is it that you are hoping to cross off before you lay your head down on the pillow tonight? Whether you are a literal list maker or if you just walk around with the things you need to get done in your head, you probably have made some skeletal plans for this day.

What do you think Jesus thinks of your plans? Do you think He cares at all? Jesus wants you to dedicate everything you do to glorify Him and when you do He will reward you. Paul reminded the Christians at Colosse; Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. (Colossians 3:23-24) You see, your "To Do" list does matter to Jesus.

Now, if there is one thing more difficult to hand over to God than a "To Do" list, I don't know what it could be. It's hard for us to think that the God of the universe would be interested in some of the things we have to get done. For instance, how could it matter in heaven whether I do my laundry for the glory of God or because my husband needs clean underwear? But, according to God's word, He cares.

I Corinthians 10:31 says; So whether yo eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. Basically, Jesus is saying that I want to be involved in every aspect of your life. Your spirituality involves every thought, action, and feeling you have today. He says; Don't compartmentalize your life into sacred and secular.

Your day, this very day is an opportunity to present a living sacrifice to God (Romans 12:1). God doesn't want anyone bringing animal sacrifices for sin anymore. Sin was taken care of with the once for all sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross. Now, God is longing for living sacrifices. Devoting everything you do today for His glory.

How does that happen? It's when you thank God for giving you the strength "To Do" your laundry. It is thanking Him for the clothes your family has to wear. It is in praying for the waitress who delivers your lunch. It is in asking His help not to overeat. It is in seeking his wisdom about the new work project you've been given. If you lived your life seeking to glorify God in all you do, even the most secular undertaking would have spiritual significance.

The other reason it is hard to glorify God in all we do is that if we were paying that much attention to our day and what God may have for us "To Do"; it might mess up our plans. What if God wanted you to ask that waitress about her life? What if He impressed you with a bible verse to share with her. How embarrassing would that be? What if He told you to give the money you were going to use on your massage this week to a needy family in your church. Doesn't dedicating everything you do to God mean that your life will be full of inconvenient sacrifices?

Perhaps, the answer is yes. But, if you have the right heart in doing the things God has for you "To Do" today, they will leave you with a joy that is indescribable. Not only that, it will result in reward in heaven. You'll be adding to your inheritance.

Just something to think about today. Why not take five minutes in prayer to ask God to be glorified by your "To Do" list right now?




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