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Lent—A Season of Light

Spring brings with it accumulating light. The light reaches its maximum stay by midsummer. After a long dark winter, light is a welcome friend. It changes moods and brings on anticipation for something better. Have you experienced more contentment as the light has lingered during the day?
Light and confessing sin don’t seem to mix. Yet, they definitely go hand in hand. Without the cleansing from confession, the light would be shaded. Confession of our sin is what brings us into the light of Christ. His light shines brightest through us when we are most aware of His presence. Confession increases the light that is visible to the people who live in our world. The less of our sins and the more of God they see in us sheds light on God and gives Him more glory.

God’s first word of creation was to bring light to the darkness (Genesis 1:1). In the New creation there will not be need for a sun, moon or lamps because God Himself will be our light (Revelation 22:5). Light reveals the beauty of God.

Times when I don’t think I’m much of a sinner and ignore my sins are the times that I am most distant from God. Psalm 32:5 says, Then I acknowledged my sin to you and did not cover up my iniquity. I said, I will confess my transgressions to the Lord. And you forgave the guilt of my sin. It is through confession that we are brought near to God and into His light. Through our unity with God, the light of Christ begins to shine through our lives.

One of the judges on American Idol, Stephen Tyler, told a contestant: “I see the light of God come through your eyes when you sing; it was that good.” Confession of sin makes that happen. As we receive God’s forgiveness about all the ways we are not like God, the ways that God is living in us become more apparent to those who are around us.

Just as Spring brings extended light into the world, the Lenten season for your soul should be bringing more light to the world you live in. Has anyone noticed that you are kinder, more thoughtful or considerate? Have you noticed this in yourself?

Light is so every day sometimes the subtle changes in the increasing light are hard to notice from one day to another. We have had several days of Lent; have you noticed any change in the light of your life? Could anyone say of you that the light of God shines right through your eyes?
How is your Lenten discipline leading you to display more of the light of Christ?


May you be blessed by the kindness, forbearance and patience of God this Lenten season!



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