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Living On Purpose

I love buying a new calendar. I've spent my morning organizing and coordinating the calendars that record my life. I have a large notebook size one that lays open on the kitchen counter on most days, even though it has a drawer reserved just for it. It is the most detailed calendar I have. In it I stuff the invitations and flyers that contain the pertinent information about the event scheduled. It has all four of our schedules. On the refrigerator hangs a pretty calendar. This is the one I look forward to buying each year. This year it contains pretty garden scenes and an inspiring scripture verse. I only write major events on that calendar like birthdays, trips, and such. In my purse I carry a pocket size calendar. It contains an abbreviated schedule of family plans and obligations.

When I filled out my calendar, it is crowded from January until May and slows down after that. The next six months are very much accounted for with games to attend, speaking opportunities to fulfill, special events and trips. At the beginning of this new year, I need to ask myself "Do I sense God's delight in the way I live my life?" "Is there anything on my calendar that displeases Him?"

I've got an easy way to check out His answer to my question. All I have to do is read His Word to find out what kinds of events He wants me to have on my calendar. When I spend time surveying what God has to say about my life, I find that there are seven specific areas that matter most to Him. In fact, He emphasizes each of these important issues about living by telling me that I will be rewarded for how I manage them. This year, I plan to write down ways I can please Him in these seven areas along with the other appropriate items in my calendar. I want to challenge you to do the same. What are these seven different areas that God longs for you to be thoughtful about?

  1. How you spend your money. (Matthew 6:19-21)
  2. The spiritual disciplines you practice. (Matthew 6:5-8, 16-18, I Corinthians 9:17, I Corinthians 4:5)
  3. Your relationships. (Matthew 10:40-42, Luke 14:12-14, Mark 9:41, Luke 6:32-36, I Thess. 2:19-20, Hebrews 6:10)
  4. Standing up for your faith. (Matthew 5:11-12, Luke 6:22-23, Rev. 2:10, James 1:12)
  5. When you dedicate everything you do to Him. (Colossians 3:23-25, Romans 12:1)
  6. When you treasure God's word. (2 John 1:7-8)
  7. When you are diligent in waiting for His second coming (2 Timothy 4:8, Luke 12:35-48, 16:1-12, Mark 13:32-37)

We'll examine each of these seven areas in the coming weeks. For now, take some time to read over the seven areas and review the Scripture promises. Under each category, write down things you are presently doing under each category. Pray about how God might want you to focus on one or more of the areas of your life for the new year.

Living on purpose is one of the best ways to joy, peace and contentment. As you pull out your new calendar, think of how you can live this next year to please Him.


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