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Wait for it!

I seem to always be in a hurry for God to do what I want Him to do. It seems that what God wants to do for me is teach me how to wait. I find myself waiting for it over and over again.

After years of waiting I thought I got good at it. I can see that there is improvement in my ability to wait on God, I still plan far more than He knows is good for me.

WAITING is vital to spiritual maturity. I’m learning God’s purpose for waiting is the way He focuses my soul.

A pregnant woman thinks about her baby her whole pregnancy, but she is willing to wait to hold her child in her arms because she knows that before 36 weeks, the baby is not completely mature to live in the world. That is why God asks us to wait for our spiritual maturity. No matter how fast and furious we try to make spiritual progress, most of our spiritual growth takes place while we are waiting.

Isaiah 30:18 proclaims the promises for those who wait on the Lord!

“Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; therefore he will rise up to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice”.

Blessed are all who wait for him! God doesn’t ask us to wait for Him so He can receive more glory, rather He asks us to wait on Him so we can receive more blessings. God is just and though it appears that what you are waiting on is unjust, God has good reasons that we can’t understand.

Just because I know the value of waiting doesn’t make it easy on me. One of my tricks to waiting is to choose an arbitrary year eight to twelve years away and determine to wait until that time. So far, I have never waited past that year to see my prayers answered and receive, in God’s perfect timing, the answer to my prayer. The reason for the waiting isn’t always perceived, but the weariness of waiting is never the focus. The joy of what God has done is all that I can focus on.

In the meantime I have gleaned some of the blessings of waiting—learning to trust God more, letting go of my expectations to receive a better answer than I could have ever considered on my own. I also discover a spiritual strength that I didn’t know I had.
Are you growing impatient with God’s answer? Wait for it. Waiting on God brings our His blessings.


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